Asking the right questions

It sounds easy and we take for granted but asking the right questions takes a lot. But if we want to continue growing and understand the risks attached, we need to engage with it. Asking ourselves but asking others.

Learned some lessons recently. At first, we go through denial, then understanding and own reflection. We heard other people’s experience until it reaches you. When it is time for action.

Yes, a learning curve. Keeping a growing mindset takes a lot of discipline, courage and self-understanding. Worth every second you spend on it!

A great opportunity to react to your own self! And sometimes, silence brings you forwards as part of the reflection.

It is part of our grand plan and it will continue to involve.

Very luck to have a great partner asking great questions.

less! might it be more? or more is less?

there’re a log of thoughts out there on how the world will look like after we overcome this health calamity.

it is true to say it’s a great opportunity to continue with self-improvement both on the individual and professional levels. It is, no doubt!

we might enter into a period where everything will be about LESS. All around us will be optimised, rationalised, and improved. All life improvements, while we might gain productivity and use our time in a different way. Which way, depends on each of us, however, it’s a great time to take hidden dreams and have a go with them!

the new LESS normal was there before e.g. touchLESS solutions will continue to spread across industries. Other trends are emerging as LESS-live audiences, LESS everything which requires distancing. At least until a vaccine is available.

the MORE normal is re-inforcing previous trends: digitalisation, health, and wellness.

+ but we don’t live in distances – our social strengths show overtime that personal interaction is crucial to problem-solving. Also here, other requisites are key moving forward e.g. flexibility, authenticity, and willingness to interact with no hidden agenda. Emotions are good, especially now!

the MORE we share our stories, the MORE will be reached!

being a catalyst, all these have an important value to me. not a new problem to solve but an honest assessment of my own

less or more? more or less?