Why mud in your toe! #2 reason!

Gratitude! Sometimes things does not go the way we want, specially when you depend on others.

Just today, -2C, snow on the ground, salted roads, gravel on walkways, sunny and greatly beautiful outside, I managed around 14Km jogging.

An achievement for me after being absent from running for a couple of years. I did not take time into consideration but endurance. Endurance not only on the length of this exercise but the overall conditions. It has been my first time running in snow. Ever!!!

What keep me running and beating myself, time after time, is the gratitude I keep and live over time. Being present! Enjoy the exact moment!

Gratitude of a a good health, my family, for being where I am. It brings a positive attitude alive, taking a challenge as any other task we do anytime during the day |From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed! |

The day after

Yesterday was a challenging day! One of those days when right in the morning you get a sad news and realised that your purpose is indeed the must priority. the

The day carried on like that. The evening brought me additional inspirations. Super cold, -5C, clear skies blueish black, peace and I took my legs for some jogging. Beautiful outside and, for me a fresh start.

Emotional agility is something I started to our am extra effort some years ago and it is bringing me forward as a person.

This morning, a frozen day, is simply a new inspiration.

Why mud in your toe! #1 reason!

I rediscovered being outdoor exercising. Finally I found a purpose and it is simply… myself, my physical, mental and emotional health. Me!

Running in Norway rocks also during the winter, something I am discovering now….

This is the time I write posts like this, I am trying to outpace my shadow, breathing a lot of air!

Now the family is totally on the run!

Enjoy the moment & Gratitude

Over time I had learned to stop and appreciate the moment. By simply reflecting all the good we have achieved, we have around us. Even while burning energy! For me, what works best is to go jogging with no time constraints and enjoy that moment, reflecting where I am! It works for me and makes me happy. I came back jogging this year after 4 years break. Feeling good!